Co-Event| JFCCT SME Committee Seminar / Workshop Series and Get together
Please be informed that the JFCCT SME Committee Seminar / Workshop Series and Get together is organised by the JFCCT SME Committee in collaboration with the Belgian-Luxembourg/Thai Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday 11th January 2023 at 16.00 – 20.00 hrs. at The Regus – Bangkok, 66 Tower.
In this event, our speaker Ms. Sukawan Ruksomboonde, Legal Officer, Professional Level, Bureau of Legal Affairs, the Revenue Department will be a keynote speaker and panel discussion to share information on the topic of Tax Issues for SMEs to update on the implementation improvements policy for the Foreign and Thai SME.
DATE: Wednesday 11th January 2023
TIME: 16.00 – 20.00 hrs.
VENUE: The Regus – Bangkok, 66 Tower
Price: Free of charge for JFCCT members ( include Spanish-Thai Chamber of Commerce)
(Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce Thailand (JFCCT) is an umbrella organisation comprising 34 foreign chambers and business associations in Thailand. The various chambers and associations represent more than 9,000 companies and over 2 million employees.)
Please note that you can submit the Q&A by completing in the RSVP form. The Moderator will address questions but may not be able to cover all questions.
Registration by clicking the link : https://forms.gle/8gb2patxgdemZ5ZX8 or scan the QR code in the attached.
Noted: Limited seat first come first serve – Recommend to apply ASAP